• Question: how do pixels work

    Asked by mewett123 to Willem on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Willem Heijltjes

      Willem Heijltjes answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Each pixel on a screen has three tiny lights: red, blue, and green, which can be made brighter or darker individually. By mixing them, we can make all the colours that you can see.

      Actually, it’s a bit of a trick! A pixel is not making all the colours of light that we have in the real world!

      What it does, is to trick our eyes to see all the colours! This works because we only have cones (cells in your eye that respond to coloured light) for red, blue, and green. When you “see” another colour, this is really just your brain “guessing” it must be something in-between red, green, and blue! So by shining the right amount of these colours, our brain can be tricked to “see” all of them 🙂
