• Question: Is it true that cancer can be cured as suggested by Royal Raymond Rife but governments have covered this up so they can make more money from drug treatments, because I was wondering if this type of thing is something you might look into?

    Asked by u13tomsb4321 to Aled on 8 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Aled Roberts

      Aled Roberts answered on 8 Mar 2014:

      Hey u13tomsb4321!

      This is a very interesting question, and something which I’ve been pondering over my morning coffee.

      Cancer can be cured but I don’t think we will ever eradicate it. Our bodies have many systems to prevent cancer by correcting cells that are on a cancerous path. If multiple systems fail then the cell can be come cancerous. The reason why systems fail could be genetic – meaning that you will be at a higher risk of getting cancer, whilst sometimes they fail because of toxic chemicals! If its genetic then we will never eradicate it…

      We are curing cancer all the time if we look at the dictionary definition – however this can be misleading…

      I’m not sure a drug company or government have created a cure for all cancers, as cancers are very different. Whilst I know governments can be VERY untrustworthy, I’m not sure they would be able to keep such things away from the public… If drug companies did poses this drug then they would sell it, and move on to new research – such as antibiotics! Because in 10-15 years we might not live long enough to get cancer! We could die from a simple bacterial infection!

      If we were to look at Raymond Rife’s work then a LOT, if not most of his work was unable to be repeated, meaning it isn’t scientifically accurate!

      Sorry if thats a bit jumbled! Hope it answers your question! If not, ask me more!
