• Question: is there any food that when you heat it up it becomes poisonous?

    Asked by doogledog to Aled, Ellie, Fiona, Kev, Willem on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Fiona Heesen

      Fiona Heesen answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Hi doogledog,

      Such a good question! Food poisoning comes about when you eat foods that contain germs like toxins or bad bacteria. In general I don’t know of any food that ‘becomes’ poisonous when heated. I do know that generally it is better to heat foods through to make sure you destroy any harmful bacteria – so always make sure to cook meats and things thoroughly! I also think that if you leave food out and do not refrigerate it you can potentially get food poisoning. When food sits out in the heat, or even just at room temperature, bacteria can grow and potentially make you ill. It’s always good to remember to refrigerate any leftover food to slow any germs and make sure that doesn’t happen!

      Hope that answers your question,


    • Photo: Aled Roberts

      Aled Roberts answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Hi Doodlegod!

      To add to what Fiona has said… Sometimes even when you heat the food properly it can still make you really ill. If the food has been sat out overnight then bacteria can grow and produce toxins… Heating the food up will kill the bacteria but leave the harmful toxins behind! Best thing to do is to always cover food and to always refrigerate it 🙂 Or better yet… Eat all the food! Mwuhaha!

      Aled 🙂
