• Question: I've noticed on all of your profiles you've said what you want to do with this money, but I think only one or two of you are actually going to use it in your own research why is this?

    Asked by gracec2001 to Aled, Ellie, Fiona, Kev, Willem on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Kevin Arbuckle

      Kevin Arbuckle answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      We all have some funding to do our research and (speaking for myself but probably others too) I feel that if the money is won from a science communication competition, then we should give something back to the public directly through more science communication.

    • Photo: Aled Roberts

      Aled Roberts answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Hey Grace2001!

      I agree with Kevin! I have my own money to continue my research (thanks to some kind people funding my research) however there isn’t that much funding for things like this! That is why I want to spend this money giving something back! Going into schools etc… and teaching science / doing experiments that you might not otherwise have seen or done! If even one person becomes interested in science because of this or me going into a school then the whole thing has been worth it! We need more people in science! We also need more girls here too!

      Hope that answers your question 🙂

    • Photo: Fiona Heesen

      Fiona Heesen answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Hi gracec2001,

      Thanks for the question – like Kevin and Aled, I would agree that it is the hope of this competition that we can use this money to go out and inspire future scientists like yourself in some way! I would love to be able to go out into rural communities and spend time teaching and talking to people about my research so that they maybe will learn something new, be inspired themselves, or at least have a good time! In my case my research is about speaking to people in their communities, schools and so on, so it may overlap in some way as well, so that perhaps makes me a bit of a different ‘scientist’ than the others here.

      Hope that answers your question,

