• Question: What are your favourite books?

    Asked by gallifreyanhippo to Aled, Ellie, Fiona, Kev, Willem on 12 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Aled Roberts

      Aled Roberts answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      Hi gallifreyanhippo!

      I have to admit I’m not a book person! Although if I had to give an answer it would have to be lord of the rings!

      I much prefer reading about different science stuff on the internet (mainly about space) in my spare time!


    • Photo: Fiona Heesen

      Fiona Heesen answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      Hi gallifreyanhippo,

      Great question! I am a total book lover and love reading in my spare time. I would say my favourites tend to be crime thrillers, authors like Henning Menkell. I also love more classic books, all the ones by Jane Austen, Emily Bronte and Alexandre Dumas – I am also a big Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fan!


    • Photo: Kevin Arbuckle

      Kevin Arbuckle answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      I have to say I’m similar to Aled – I do read a lot but mostly science-related things rather than fiction. I do like the Hunger Games trilogy though, particularly the first one as they are very well written and make you want to just keep reading once you’ve started.

    • Photo: Willem Heijltjes

      Willem Heijltjes answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      Being from abroad, I loved reading about British history and customs! There’s so much to learn! For instance, I’ve learned to talk a lot about the weather, I’ve learned to just say “typical” when things go terribly wrong, and I’ve learned how to queue properly 😉 The books I liked are called “Watching the English”, about English habits; “1000 years of annoying the French”, which is about British-French shared history, and “An Utterly Impartial History of Britain: (or 2000 Years Of Upper Class Idiots In Charge)”. They’re not too serious 😉

    • Photo: Eleanor Parker

      Eleanor Parker answered on 13 Mar 2014:

      Oh wow, that’s a difficult question for me because I love to read. I have more books than anything else and one day I’d love to have a house with my own library.
      I read all kinds of books, books about science, books about history, classic fiction books, modern fiction, fantasy, plays, crime….
      I’m a massive Harry Potter fan and I also love The Hunger Games. The lord of the rings and the hobbit too. The historian, pride and prejudice, my family and other animals and elephant gold are probably some of my favourites. Lately I’ve been reading books about the history of New Orleans and voodoo culture and an interesting science book called virolution. I’ve also recently read days of blood and starlight, which is the sequal to daughter of smoke and bone.
