• Question: what is the most exciting thing you have ever incounted

    Asked by annieeee to Aled, Ellie, Fiona, Kev, Willem on 11 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Kevin Arbuckle

      Kevin Arbuckle answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      There are so many things that I think are exciting and that I come across as a scientist and as a naturalist. The first time I find an animal that I’ve never seen before is always really exciting to me, as is seeing something that I’ve never seen before. So for example, the first time I ever saw an adder in the wild, or the first time I saw a camouflaged crab spider on a flower eating a hoverfly were very exciting to me. But there are just so many exciting things out there in the world that I could go on for hours!

    • Photo: Fiona Heesen

      Fiona Heesen answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Hi annieeee,

      The most exciting thing I have ever encountered…hmm that is a tough one!

      I would have to say the most exciting thing that I have found when doing research or science is how the a satellite is built 🙂 I always picture them floating above the earth and beaming signals around, but I had never seen one up close until a few years ago – there are many engineers working in Aberdeen to make better satellites and they showed me all the bits and pieces of one. It is really cool to be able to see the technology that can help you access the Internet, study weather and climate patterns, like monitoring cloud patterns, give you television, help navigate plans and ships and so many other things! I am a very hands on person and I like being able to see and touch things to truly understand them!

      Thanks for your question,


    • Photo: Willem Heijltjes

      Willem Heijltjes answered on 11 Mar 2014:

      Hi Annieeee!

      In December I went to Africa – for work, but I also found the time to go on safari! The most exciting was seeing a family of rhinos in the wild!
